oleh Russell Maier | Okt 20, 2017 | Featured, News
Today our international Ecobrick Training of Trainer workshop is happening in Manila and in conjunction we’re releasing our fully revamped PDF Powerpoint presentation: “Plastic, The Environment and Ecobricks v3.1” Designed for Ecobrick trainers to lead their own ecobrick starter workshops. Free and open to copy and distribute. Get your copy!
oleh Russell Maier | Jan 11, 2017 | Event
Our Jogja Ecobrick ToT is fast filling up! A reminder for all those participating tomorrow and this weekend to fill out the form online. Please arrive at 9:30AM at Sankring on the 12th to register and pay. The workshop begins at 10AM. Feel free to bring clean and dry... oleh Russell Maier | Jan 3, 2017 | Uncategorized @id
Ecobrick merupakan Solusi Berteknologi-Rendah, Berbasis Warga untuk Menangani Sampah Plastik. Inilah kesempatan bagi Anda dan tim untuk mempersiapkan pengetahuan, teknik, dan peralatan terbaik untuk berbagi mengenai ecobricks lintas-komunitas. Mari bergabung bersama... oleh Russell Maier | Okt 2, 2016 | News
Ecobrickers of the World Unite! The first International Ecobrick Convergence will take place in the month of January, in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. The month long event will bring together the various ecobricking movements around South East Asia. The convergence is an... oleh Russell Maier | Sep 29, 2016 | News
Our first Ecobrick Training of Trainer workshop in Jakarta was a success. Hosted by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the largest Muslim organization in the world, the opening event was attended by the NU president Said Agil Siradj and the directorate general of KLHK (the...