The organic spread of Ecobricks continues in Indonesia!  The city government of Magelang, hosted an official launch ceremony to announce their adoption of Ecobricks as a city wide solution for personal plastic.  The city officials, led the way, by setting the example of making an ecobrick with their own home plastic.  Ecobricks were initiated by MPL (Magelang Nature Care) after they attended the Ecobrick Convergence in Jogja this past January.  Inspired, MPL has been ecobricking away and teaching others.

These pics are taken of the ecoricks launching event, representatives of MPL and Magelang government, visited different sub districts to give sosialization to people.

Ecobricks in Magelang started in the last January. The bank sampah network already somehow introduced ecobricks in different cities and towns on Indonesia. But the group of Magelang (government, uni, bank sampah, schools) in January visited the ecobricks convergence on Jogja (50 people coming with big bus), to know more about ecobricks. Ecobricks team with bank sampah jogja gave a short presentation about ecobricks. And just few month after, MPL spread ecobricks to different groups and stakeholders in Magelang.

And one of the Magelang gov officer + teo ladies representatives of the Magelang Bank Sampah Network joined the TOT in jogja.