Jussst in time for the new year, we did it! On December 31st, 2019, we surpassed 20,000 kg of plastic ecobricked and logged on GoBrik. Thanks to James Thomas’s ecobrick, and several dozen others logged on the 31st we pushed over the line! Their ecobrick join 57,995 ecobricks logged over the last year by 38,880 ecobrickers in over 100 countries to take us past 20,000 kgs.
20,000 Kg means that we more than doubled our 2019 goal of 10,000kg of plastic. It also means that millions of pieces of plastic secured out of the biosphere and put to good use for empowering local building around the world. In the new decade, these are ecobricks that will build furniture, gardens, play parks, and green spaces of all kinds.

We accomplished this amazing feat, thanks to an overwhelming surge of ecobricking and earth enthusiasm echoing around the world this year. You can see how much your country, city and/or community has packed in the last year on our Top Ten Charts or by exploring our new geographic stats page.

England topped the list of ecobricking countries with ecobrickers in 1,977 towns and villages packing 6833 Kg of authenticated ecobricked plastic.
Rodriguez, Philippines topped the list of ecobricking cities for 2019. Ecobrickers there rallied to pack a whopping 1,153.9 Kg of plastic– more than many countries.
The top community on GoBrik for 2019 (and perhaps the reason for Rodriguez doing so well) goes to Kasiglahan Village National High School, in Rodriguez Philippines!
But of course, ecobricking isn’t about big initiatives, but rather… countless small ones. We’re honored to be part of this movement with you. We’re grateful for all the support that’s kept GoBrik up as a tool for the movement in 2019. It’s really a collaborative miracle that we’ve been able to track and log all this plastic.
Thanks to the thousands of you who have energized the earth enterprise through your authenticating, your encouragement, your regenerative purchases, your course registrations over 2019. And of course, the earth thanks the millions of us who have been ecobricking!
Plastic leaking into the biosphere remains a massive challenge for humanity in the decade ahead. For 2020, we’re going to quintuple or 2019 goal and shoot for 50,000 Kgs of plastic packed.

All the best in 2020 and may all your plastic be ecobricked,
Russell, Ani & the GEA Team