We are excited to announce that Let’s Do it Philippines, in partnership with the GEA, will be leading two Ecobrick Trainer of Trainer workshops in Manila and Cebu, Philippines. Two of our senior GEA trainers will be traveling to the Philippines to share and exchange Ecobrick insights with the Filipino movement this October.
Global Ecobrick Alliance Training of Trainer Workshops are three day immersive events where ecobrickers and eco-leaders come together to learn the fundamental principles, philosophy and science behind plastic and ecobricks. ToTs are lead by veteran ecobrickers and community mobilizers who can share their insights on Ecobrick best practices. Attendees are united, mobilized and empowered to lead then their own Ecobrick Starter workshops. Participants received a GEA certificate and are then fully equipped to disseminate ecobricks through their network and take workshop requests that are generated through Ecobricks.org inquiries. Learn more about Ecobrick trainings and our pedagogy.
Manila Ecobrick Training of Trainers
Organizer: Let’s do it Philippines
Partners: GEA, Seed4com, Catholic Stewards of Creation Inc, Archdiocese of Manila Ministry on Ecology, The Plastic Solution
Dates: October 20-22
Location: Asilo de San Vicente de Paul Campus
Cost: Individuals ph3000 / Orgs and LGUs ph3500 (includes meals (except dinner) and two nights stay. Live out participants Ph2000ph (includes meal and snack)
Space: 30-40 participants
Requirements: Participants must have experience ecobricking and/or in the plastic transformation movement
Required: Please save up your plastic for the next weeks, and bring with you 500ml bottle. Please also bring a sample of an ecobrick from you community and any photos of your outputs– we’ll have a show and tell session.
Bohol ToT
Organizer: Let’s do it Philippines
Partners: GEA, Seed4Com
Dates: October 24-26,
Location: LInaw Beach Resort, Danao, Panglao, Bohol
Cost: for live out participants ph2000, ph3000 (for LGU and Corporate or organizations) – Accomodations are available seperately at the resort.
Space: 30-40 participants
Requirements: Participants must have experience ecobricking and/or in the plastic transformation movement
Required: Please save up your plastic for the next weeks, and bring with you a 500ml bottle. Please also bring a sample of an ecobrick from you community and any photos of your outputs– we’ll have a show & tell session.
These three day workshops are made possible by Let’s Do it Philippines, and various local partners. Participants learn hands on from Ani Himawati, one of the founders of the Ecobrick movement in Indonesia, and Shanti Ramadhani, a senior ecobrick trainer and master of social spread. The ToT will go in depth on how to ecobrick, how to build modules with ecobricks, how to share ecobricking to maximize social impact and viral spread. Learn the tried and tested best practices and techniques for making ecobricks, building with ecobricks and sharing ecobricks to ensure that ecobricking settles in your community as a long-term habit that spreads on its own. For a full break down of the workshop, participant requirements and schedule see our ToT White Paper.
We will also be introducing our powerful new Ecobrick App at the ToTs. Developed over three years of extensive R&D and field testing, our application has the potential to dramatically ignite the ecobricking social movement in your community. Read more about this project here.
Global Ecobrick Alliance Philippines ToT Priority
The Global Ecobrick Alliance finds in its roots in the Philippines, when Russell Maier and Irene Bakisan published the first version of the Vision Ecobrick Guide. Since then, Ecobricks have spread throughout the country, and various organizations and movements have run with it. In parallel, the Global Ecobrick Alliance has been developing a system of training of trainers in Indonesia. It is our obseration that Ecobricking spreads fastest and best establishes itself as a long term habit, when certain practices and methodologies are maintained. Our network of Indonesian GEA trainers has been fundamental to the deep penetration of ecobricking in Indonesian municipalities. Given the overwhelming interest from the Philippines we receive on Ecobricks.org for trainings we are proud to partner with Let’s Do it Philippines to send two of our senior Ecobrick trainers to establish a similar network of trainers in the Philippines.
Let’s Do it Philippines is covering the local costs of our trainers and of the workshop through a modest workshop fee.
GEA is currently fundraising to cover the expenses of our trainers to fly from Indonesia to the Philippines and return. Shanti Funds Request Letter

ToT Organizer

Ani Himawati
GEA Core Team and Principal Trainer

Shanti Ramadhani
Ecobrick Trainer and GEA Alumini