Hi there Trainers!

We hope that this finds you well. It’s hard to believe that this crazy year is in its last month.

First, welcome to our new trainers! Sheelagh Hawkins,Debs Boyle, Margaret Chapman James Harrison, Anubhav Swara and Roshni Rai who were trained by Lucie Mann.   And welcome to Ni Ketut Alit Ria Pradnyani, Reni Rofika, Dwi Ratna Novitasari, Atika Fatimah who were trained by Aang Hudaya and Corry Pamela.

There’s lots of news from the GEA circle teams to share with you this months as we prepare for 2021. So much so that we’re going to break it up into two emails this week.

UK Update

from Lucie

Many places in the UK are back in lockdown, with England, Scotland, Wales and N.I all at different stages and with different restrictions, all very confusing.

This of course makes getting projects off the ground even harder than before. New Forest Aquaponics CIC is still able to accept ecobricks, although we would really love to see people using ecobricks themselves so they don’t need to send them anywhere, there are still lots of ecobricks across the UK who need a home but with no ability to get to us.

If you hear of a project that is accepting bricks please do encourage them to post in the main facebook group.

Meanhile, Lizzie Wynn’sIncredible Edible Porthmadog, Off the Wall Project was able to continue this month. We are really glad she was able to get the community accord to continue the work on their garden and circular ecobrick structure.

Frequent validators from the UK have formed a support group and are working as a team to tackle the queue. Between them in an average week they are authenticating 650 ecobricks. The team is also able to work together to quickly offer advice to ecobrickers who need to improve their photos. This helps to avoid ecobricks being rejected and the ecobrickers learning through helpful feedback.  And the Dev team benefits from their insights!  Thank you guys!


GEA AES Offset News

from Russell

Great news! Our AES Plastic Offset system is helping to pay our bills! Thanks to half a dozen trainer contributions in November, for the first time in a long time, we’ve had a month in the black. Woohooo! 🙂

This month is looking tighter though, so we’re really excited to announce some major improvements to the platform– just in time for Christmas presents!

GBP currency is now fully supported (as well as USD and BRK). IDR comes next. Best of all though…The Offset System now generates customized certificates for your AES Offset Purchase.

Personally, I am using the system to generate Christmas gifts for my family this year. My parents have always been very ecological minded (maybe it rubbed off on me a bit?) and so, in their names I have purchased the offset of 100kg of plastic out of the biosphere! Pretty cool eh? I am quite sure they will love it.

Super interesting 2020 research shows that the avereage person in the US produce 8.5 kg of plastic a month. In the UK its 8.25Kg and in Indonesia its 1.8 Kg. This seems to line up with our trainers who have been tracking their own plastic.

Our offset system will serve those who want to balance off this impact by supporting ecobricking.

Have you been able to ecobrick all your plastic? Do you and your household still product more plastic than you ecobrick? Or maybe you want to super charge your green impact on the planet? Then, our new plastic offset system is for you– especially if you’ve been working hard for the last year earning brikcoins!

Essentially ,the system converts your Brikcoins into the plastic sequestered represented by them. Its a great way to cash in on all your hard work and issue meaningful certificates for your friends and family.

Of course, brikcoin purchases doesn’t generate financial revenue for the GEA. We encourage you to pay for your offsets using paypal or card also!


Meanwhile, if this is alot of new information for you… Ani and I will be doing a webinar next week, December 18th on the concept of plastic sequestration. This is the concept that underlies both ecobricking and plastic offseting.







Alright, that’s a lot to start. We’ll send the second batch of news in a few days, with our news on:

  • My Course Listing System open!
  • My Products Listing in the Regen Store open!
  • New Ecobrick Presentation for 2021!
  • GEA Circles platform open for 2021!
  • UK Updates
  • Indonesian Updates

More in a few days!

Russell, Lucie, Ani

The Global Ecobrick Alliance
Earth Enterprise
Center Circle