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We’re super excited for two reasons today. First, in Manila the latest Global Ecobrick Alliance Training of Trainers workshop is now under way. Second, our trainers are using a fully revamped Plastic, the Environment and Ecobrick presentation which we are proud to simultaneously launch publically. If you’re participating in the ToT feel free to download and follow along.
But this isn’t a new presentation. On the contrary– its the crowd sourced culmination of hundreds (if not thousands now) of ecobrick trainings around the world– to devise the most effective means to raise plastic and ecological consciousness. The PDF powerpoint, contains the art work of half a dozen artist from around the world, and builds on our orignal Vision Ecobrick Guide (available in half a dozen languages). Currently, the latest version of the presentation is only available in English– but not for long! Drop us a line if you’d like to help translate.
Lead Authors
Russell Maier, Irene Angway, Ani Himawati
El Tiburon Grande (Philippines), Jo Stodgel (U.S.A), Russell Maier (Canada), Astrid Gruber (Germany), Elena Molchanova (Trinidad), Fabianus Bayu (Indonesia)
Bali and Indonesia development
Agung Sutama, Pak Ngurah, Ibu Faiz
This is version 3.1 EN of the VEB Plastic, the Environment and Ecobricks presentation published on Oct. 20th for the Manila GEA Training of Trainers conference and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.