Eighteen advanced Jogja ecobrickers get a detailed presentation of the new Ecobricks.org “Ecobricks and the Environment” trainers presentation.
The great thing about ecobricks is that they have the potential to go viral– to spread on their own in a community or region exponentially. I’ve seen it happen in the Philippines, now its happening in Jogja, Java, Indonesia.
With the support of the Yogyakarta Environment Agency, we held a two day training seminar for 18 avid community recyclers. These 18 will then train another 50 village facilitators. These 50 trainers will then go out and train each of the 463 Bank Sampahs (Garbage Bank neighbourhood groups) in Jogja. These groups of several dozen people will then train and enlist their neighbourhood for a grand ecobrick construction goal on World Environment Day, June 6th.

“Where does plastic really go?”
Its kinda like lighting a branch on fire in a forest. Soon a tree is burning, then trees, then the forest! Of course, that’s the wrong metaphor. The complete opposite really. A forest fire emits c02. Our exponential spread of ecobricking will sequester c02! Our ecobricking will capture plastic before it is burned or dumped. Through our trainers, thousands of Jogja residents will be informed of the poisonous perils of plastic.

“Unlike nature’s circles, human consumption goes in a line from extraction to dumping”
Did you know that? Yep. Plastic can be poison if its put in the wrong place. There is massive ignorance of this here in Indonesia (if not the world). Why else is so much plastic being burned or dumped?
Our Ecobricks.org team has been working hard on a new presentation/booklet to directly confront the illusions surrounding plastic. Whereas our Vision Ecobrick Guide was designed for teachers, our new Ecobricks and the Environment or Menjaga Lingkungan dengan Ecobricks is designed for trainers to present to students and the general public.

The new Ecobricks and the Environment presentation directly confronts the illusions around plastic and answers the question, Why Ecobrick? The presentation is inspired by Russell Maier essay “Recycling, the Evil Illusion”
We presented and went over Menjaga Lingkungan dengan Ecobricksin detail during the training. Our new trainers, will be equipped with this presentation as they go out to train others, not only on how to make ecobricks, but why.
The progress of the spread will be logged, tracked and monitored with our online web app for Jogja Ecobricking.