We want to see ecobricking spread! Ecobricking is so simple that you can start today. Ecobricking is so profound that it gets to root causes of pollution. So, our global team of Ecobrickers, have worked hard to develop and translate our guidebooks to lay out the essentials of ecobricking– for you!
Get started right. These guidebooks are free to download, copy, print and share as much as you want. The guidebooks are open source– which means the source files are available upon request so that you can translate and contextualize the guides to your region.
- The Vision Ecobrick Guide
- You, Plastic and Ecobricks Presentation
- The Vision Ecobrick Construction Guide
- Posters and more
- Animations
- Archives
The Vision Ecobrick Guide
Vision EcoBrick Guide V3.2 (PDF 5MB)
Designed for teachers, principals and community leaders. Start in your home, then mobilize your school or community with a collaboration powered, zero-cost, start-today, solution to pollution.
Panduan Visi Ecobrick – V3.2
(PDF 7MB )
Menggerakkan Imajinasi dan Kolaborasi untuk Membersihkan dan Menghijaukan Rumah, Sekolah, dan Lingkungan Sekitarmu.
Vision Écobriques Guide (PDF 7MB )
Susciter de l’imagination et créer de la collaboration pour nettoyer et assainir notre maison, notre école et l’environnement de notre communauté.
Visión Ecoladrillo Guía
Versión 2.2.2 (Color)
PDF, 3.3 MBs
Nuestra guía Visión Ecoladrillo ofrece una solución inmediata de cero costo para ser desarrollada desde hoy mismo en tu escuela y en tu comunidad ante el problema de los desechos sólidos.
Guía Visión Eco Ladrillo (B&N) PDF, 6MBs
Vision Ecobrick Guide in Nepali (pdf) भिजन इकोब्रीक गाईड – संस्करण ३.२
िभजन इकोब्रीक गाईड आनो घर, िवद्यालय र समदाय सफा अिन हरभरा बनाउनका लािग कपना, सहकाय तथा पिरचालन ।
Vision Ecobrick Guide in Japanese (PDF v3.2 / v1.4 – 6.7MBs)
投げ捨てられたりしたプラスチックは 大地、空気そして水を汚します。
しかし、捨てずに分別したプラスチックを ボトルに詰めれば、 繰り返し何度でも 使える建築用ブロックを作ることが できるのです。 わたしたちの町と環境を より豊かに、より美しくする、地球に やさしい空間を一緒に創りあげましょう。
Plastic, Ecobricks and You
A Presentation for introducing ecobricks to your community or group.
Plastic, the Enviroment and Ecobricks – v1.2 PDF (5MB)
« Why Ecobrick? » « What’s the big deal about plastic anyway? » « Why shouldn’t I just burn it in the ditch? » This presentation hits the big questions about plastic head on! Our Ecobrick trainers use it to introduce ecobricking to groups, schools, and organization. The presentation sparks discussion on plastic, explores the perils of plastic, then lays out the fundamentals of proper Ecobricking. Print as a booklet, or project as a powerpoint– this is exactly what you need to get ecobricking right.
Plastik, Lingkungan, dan Ecobricks v1.3 – (PDF 24MB)
Ketika plastik dibuang, dibakar atau ditimbun, mereka meracuni bumi, udara dan air. Ketika kita menyimpan, memilah, dan ‘membungkus dalam botol, kita bisa membuat batako ecobricks yang bisa digunakan kembali. Bersama kita dapat membangun kawasan yang hijau yang akan menyuburkan lingkungan dan masyarakat.
Vision Ecobrick Construction Guide
What to do with all your Ecobricks? Once your school is well underway Ecobricking, this guide is for you! The Ecobrick construction outlines the essential concepts of bottle building– from making cob mortar, to hexagon bench modules, to getting your garden green. This guide is still in development– see also Ecobrick Applications for more construction techniques.
Vision EcoBrick Construction Guide V0.7 (PDF 8.5MBs)
Posters and More
Generic Ecobrick Poster
We’ve developed this simple and dynamic image to be used either as a printed or digital poster. The graphic visually explains what to put into an Ecobrick. Perfect for non-English contexts, areas of low literacy, or for elementary schools.
High Resolution PNG (267KB 1275 x1650 )
Low Resolution, PNG (169kb 457 x 566)
Protect Ancestral Domain Digital Poster
This poster was developed for use in the indigenous communities of the Northern Philippines. However, its message and call to action is universal! Ideal for other communities struggling to protect their ancestral ecological heritage from the toxic symptoms of development. The PDF can be deconstructed for customization for your area.
Full Color Poster PDF (365k))
Full B&W Poster PDF (385k)
High Resolution PNG (422k)
Low Resolution, PNG (400 x 517 – 148kb)
Ecobrick Animations
These 1 minute animations introduce the fundamentals or ecobricking in clear, concise graphics. Perfect to supplement your presentation, or get a quick grasp of what its all about.
Introducing Ecobricks
How to Make Ecobricks
Share your creations
Archived Versions of The Vision Ecobrick Guide Version 2.1
The first major version of the Vision Ecobrick Guide (version 2.1) was released in early 2014. It was developed over two years of extensive reasearch and application with dozens, then hundreds of schools in the Northern Philippines. The guide presents the urgent environmental context of Ecobricks, the power of Ecobricks to raise consciousness, and the techniques to both pack and build. Hundreds of hours of experimentation, observation and conceptual development were put into seventeen simple and illustrated pages so that others could benefit from all our mistakes and discoveries. The VEB Guide is ideal for teachers, principals, community leaders, students organizers and anyone passionate about transcending pollution once and for all.
Vision EcoBricks Guide – V2.1 (PDF 5.9MB )