by Russell Maier | Sep 1, 2016 | Ideas, News
Ecobrickers in Bloemfontein, South Africa have made their own couch! That’s right, using nothing but plastic “waste” and bottles, members of the Boitekong Protective Workshop, made this super funky (and surprisingly comfortable) centerpiece to their... by Russell Maier | Aug 20, 2015 | Construction
You can make just about anything with Ecobricks– as seen here at our pilot school in Abiensmal, Bali, Indonesia. But first, you have to turn them into modules! After creating two thousand individual ecobricks, we used silicone sealant to connect the ecobricks... by Russell Maier | Jul 3, 2014 | Uncategorized
A recent innovation by the Ecobrick Mt. Province Team has both small and big implications for local schools. Using silicone sealant Ecobricks can be joined together into modules of 12 to 19 Ecobricks. These modules can be either used alone or joined together like...