Ecobrick Convergence sudah rampung! Bungkus!

Selesai, bungkus!  Jogja ecobrick convergence telag sukses berlangsung — menghadirkan pegiat ecobrick dari berbagai daerah dan negeri. Tanggal 4 – 14 Januari 2017, kita memenuhi Sangrking Art Space dengan kisah-kisah, kegiatan ecobrick dari keseharian...

ToT in Jogja – starting…

Our Jogja Ecobrick ToT is fast filling up! A reminder for all those participating tomorrow and this weekend to fill out the form online. Please arrive at 9:30AM at Sankring on the 12th to register and pay. The workshop begins at 10AM. Feel free to bring clean and dry...

Jogja Convergence Preparation begins!

The first Ecobrick photo submissions are now going up.   This is how your photo submissions and tags will look on the gallery wall… Meanwhile more photo packs are arriving every day! See the full instructions for adding yours on the convergence...