Learn from Master Trash Transformers

Ecobrick Training are Designed to Mobilize & Empower Communities to take charge of their plastic

Get your community, business or organization fully zero waste with Ecobricks

Ecobrick General Presentations

Learn the fundamental science and principles of ecobricking as well as the essential techniques for packing and module making. Receive GEA Trainer certification.



Ecobrick Starter Workshops



These three to four hour presentations cover all the bases.  Our trainers will present the perils of plastic, how to ecobrick, provide a hands-on session of packing and module making.


Training of Trainers


Or GEA ToT’s will equip your staff to go out and train others to Ecobrick.  Ideal for cities, municipalities and school boards that want to get to the root of their plastic problem.  Our last city went from 20 ecobrickers to 20,000 in three months.


GEA Trainers emerge certified and ready to build whole new worlds.

Ecobricking is a low-tech, social technology that has the potential to spread like wild fire. Within a matter of months, a workshop with 20 people can spread to reach thousands.

Our network of certified ecobrick trainers are on hand to help you and your community, school, business, city or organization get started ecobricking.  We have experts in different regions and in different specialties.  From packing plastic, module making, bottle building– to mobilizing entire cities, school boards, and religious organizations to go zero waste– we’ll do our best to help you get started.

Teaching Method

Our workshops and our training materials are designed to raise ecological consciousness first, and teach ecobricking second.  In our experience, understanding why ecobricking is important is even more important than knowing how to ecobrick or how to build.  This seeds a movement of deep and long term transformation.  You can find on our site, all of our training materials.  Jump right into to learning yourself, and when you’re ready, you’ll find all you need here to lead your own workshops. 

Learn from our experts

Of course, there’s nothing like learning from a veteran!  Our Global Ecobrick Alliance has members and certified GEA Trainers around the world.  They are on hand to joyfully help others solve their plastic problem. You can use our interactive map to locate and contact trainers near you.   Our trainers offer three types of workshops.  You can review the following documents to decided which best suits your needs, what you need to prepare, and the expectations of the trainers.

Ecobrick Starter Workshops


Solve Plastic in your Community with a one day workshop that covers the fundamental science and principles of ecobricking. Learn the essential techniques of ecobrick packing and building. Together we’ll make an log an ecobrick and build a furniture module.
(PDF 500k):  English / Indonesian

Cost: 75$ + travel expenses for two GEA trainers


Ecobrick Online Consultations



Consult with a veteran GEA ecobriker over Skype. Get guidance on anything from ecobricking techniques, to bottle building, to the social mechanics of disseminating ecobricks in such a way to ignite a viral movement.  Contact us to reserve a time using the form below.  50$ US/hr via paypal.   Available in French, Indonesian, English, and Spanish.
PDF available on request
Cost: 50$ USD
Ecobrick Online Trainer Course

An intensive, four part online course that will get you up and running as a GEA Ecobrick Trainer. Learn the principles and techniques behind ecobricking, how to build, and how to share ecobricks. Learn through Skype sessions with one of our veteran trainers, guided readings and hands on work. Receive GEA Trainer certification and join our network of passionate ecobrickers around the world.
Ecobrick Online Trainer Course v.1.0.0 ENG (PDF 5MBs)

Cost: 175$ USD

Ecobrick Training of Trainer Program



Solve Plastic in your Region through Community Empowerment & the Raising of Ecological Consciousness. This three day, in-depth program for 30-50 ecoleaders will ignite a viral disseminination of trash transformation in your network and region. Participants receive GEA certification and are fully equipped to disseminate ecobricks through your network.
(PDF 5MB):  English

Indonesian Package Cost: 2,500,000 IDR
International Package Cost: 3500$ USD




Earth and Ecobrick Building Training of Trainer Program


A five day, classroom and hands-on program that will train a crew of 20-30 builders in the principles and techniques of Ecobrick Earth Building. With the oversight of a veteran GEA Earth Builder, this workshop will see the design, start and finish of a green space ecobrick building project for your organization. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be GEA certified to lead Earth & Ecobrick builds and workshops on their own.

(PDF 12MB):English  



General Presentations


These lectures are intended for academic lectures or community presentations to decision makers on the phenomenon of ecobricks.  There is no hands on practice involved.  Often these presentations are a good precursor to Starter Workshops or ToT’s the following day.
Download: English PDF (2.1MB)

Cost 200$ USD




Please use our paypal form below to pay for trainings sessions:


Choose your training program

Contact us about trainings

7 + 7 =


Find a trainer

Use our interactive map to find fellow ecobrickers and ecobrick trainers near you, or contact us directly using the form on this page.


Successful Trainer of Trainer participants are awarded a GEA Trainer Certificate.  They are emerge from the 2-3 day seminar ready to train others how to ecobrick and lead their own sessions.

Photos from Ecobrick Trainings

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