Russell Maier just ecobricked 228 g of plastic in Ubud, Indonesia. Russell used a 600ml bottle to pack 228 g of home plastic into a Normal Ecobrick. It is his number 53 ecobrick. Based in Bali, his community Ani & Russ’s Neighbourhood Ecobrick Hub, is working hard to keep plastic out of the biosphere in Indonesia.

The ecobrick has a density of 0.38g/ml and represents 0.71kg CO2 Kg of sequestered C02. The ecobrick is permanently marked with Serial Number 75391 and on 04/04/2020 was automatically added to the validation queue. You can check the ecobricks full information and authentication status at any time by looking it up on GoBrik.

“Ecobricking my plastic during Covid19! ”



Sign up and get going on GoBrik yourself! Together we can pack tons of plastic and build our greenest visions.


tags: Ubud, Bali, Indonesia